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Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I’m reading “Superheroes! Capes and Crusaders in Comics and Film,” by Roz Kaveney. Kaveney, apparently, is “an acclaimed cultural commentator” in the U.K. The book, to some extent, seems to be a defense of superhero comics, which is often viewed as fodder for summer movies at best. Kaveney goes beyond the typical exams of high-profile heroes such as Batman and Spider-Man. In fact, one chapter is devoted to “Alias” — not the TV show, but the Marvel comic by Brian Bendis that introduced Jessica Jones to the Marvel universe and which no one outside comic book circles has probably ever heard of.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the years of reading comics and talking about them, I have been amazed at the influence of our superheros on so many guys.

Though many words have been written on the subject, for me, it boiled down to, they gave me a higher self of sacrifice for the greater good and the desire to do the right thing in difficult circumstances.

Getting those and others ideals from comics really reinforced what I learned from my parents and other influential adults in my life.

This book sounds like it may be a very interesting read too.

Thanks for the mention.

Comic Guy2

9:37 AM

Blogger Bill Radford said...

I'm about done with the book, and it really is interesting. There's a chapter about Joss Whedon and his creations, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'd never really thought before about how Buffy is a superhero at heart and the comparisons to comics, such as Willow's rise to evil witch equals Jean Gray's rise to evil Phoenix.

12:02 PM

Anonymous Water Filtration Irving said...

Thanks for taking the time to share this.

10:12 PM


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