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Monday, August 04, 2008

"Ex Machina Deluxe Edition"

I hid inside from the heat during the weekend and read. I was going to start Brad Meltzer's "The Book of Lies," but instead turned to "Ex Machina Deluxe Edition," a hardcover collection of the first 11 issues of WildStorm's "Ex Machina." (Interestingly, it has an introduction by ... Brad Meltzer!)

"Ex Machina" is written by Brian K. Vaughan ("Y: The Last Man") and is a compelling, adult mix of big-city politics and superheroics. (It's about a superhero turned mayor, and no, it's not Green Arrow.) I had read the first few issues before, but it was a pleasure to revisit them. The art, by Tony Harris, is wonderful, with his characters distinctly rendered and vividly coming to life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will probably get around to this one in the future since I can get more comics for the asking price on this one.

Of course, I was like that on "PRIDE OF BAGHDAD" for a while and I did enjoy that one.

A trick I learned is to make a list of comics and related stuff I want for all those occasions when someone wants to buy me a gift but has no idea what to buy. I can always give them a hint. :-)

Comic Guy2

p. s. warning ... you could end up with more "Punisher" T-shirts then you really need. :-)

2:15 PM

Blogger Bill Radford said...

It's definitely worth asking for at Christmas or whenever.

2:52 PM


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